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underneath the stars
I'll wait for you sweetie.

Twenty-One this year, currently serving the nation as of 27 july 2007. graduated from republic poly, basketball is my passion.

Navigations are at the top.

Feel free to leave any comments.

Thursday, February 07, 2008
my heartfelt words
8:36 PM

how much?









p/s: listen hard.

Monday, January 28, 2008
11:42 PM


im recently addicted to this song. meaningful and emo as usual.


p/s: 如过你还爱我, 你不会对我如此的冷漠......

Monday, January 14, 2008
my head is filled with you~
8:19 PM


p/s: if i let you go, i will never know, how my life would be, HOLDING you close to me. but if i ever see, you smiling back at me....well...i'm contented enough.

Thursday, January 03, 2008
pronounce DEAD.
8:58 AM


p/s: No need to search the world around, cos you'll know where i'll be found. =/

Tuesday, November 06, 2007
random thoughts
8:13 PM

1930…. I rot in the macdonalds near my house. On my laptop, munching my way to the fries and fillet o fish. Here I am, doing nothing, or rather don’t know what to do. Everything seems so far, I feel myself being isolated in this world, and this world gets more and more dull. to think of it, my past is so vibrant, so colorful till I don’t wish the time to tick. Every second counts, it’s counting on my misery and how much I missed that person.

2nd November, 2007 at 1200, is my doomsday. This day that made me feel so devastated, made me so clueless and helpless. I went for a scan on that day, a scan on both of my ankles. I was diagnosed, broken ankle ligament. One ligament out of three was torn, that explains why I can’t turn my ankle and the sharp pains…yada…yada.yada..

4th November, 2007 at 1600, I pulled my hamstring while playing a volleyball game in sentosa, my first time pulling a muscle, for the first time I felt that my muscle is over-stretched. Even right now, I’m still limping.

All these stress, made me wanting to give up. Made me decide to leave everything behind, let go of everything and start anew. But I wonder, am I really up to the task to let go of everything, my friends, sort of the closest to me friends, those who will really remember my face. There are a lot of random thoughts up in my mind; I do not know what I’m really thinking. Perhaps, the wall said it right, if I knew right from the start that things will not work out, don’t pin too much hope on it. If you asked me, what’s my hope, I will tell you straight, I don’t know. Even if one day, you’re married, we weren’t as close, or you are attached. And you heart will no longer have a corner for me to stand, I’ll still be there, wherever, whenever you need.

I think it’s time to really let go. To the one who just got discharged, take care of yourself, take the greatest care, great friend you’ve been, thanks for recognizing me as your friend. This message is private. To the one who like to squabble with me, the same one that is not sweet. I will do my best to contain the one within me. Not making you feel miserable, for I just want to see the always smiling you. For what I’ve said, I will make it happen.

p/s: there’s U in every of my thoughts, as time goes, there’s U in every minute. To me, U no longer represent umbrella, it stands for everything.

Saturday, October 06, 2007
5:01 AM

woo, competitions around the corner. so i will share some of my experiences to help those who are competing to boost up their confidence, so as to aid them to play better during the game.


confidence is something that will be able to make someone perform better in their games. this technique that i'm teaching, not only applicable to games that you compete, it is also applicable to your every day life. First i will define confidence.

Confidence is something that a belief, a belief in yourself of being capable of doing certain task. Simple. When one is confident, everything will go smoothly and you will not be easily affected by people.

The technique that i'm going to teach, is to help trigger your confidence when you need it. It also apply during your low morale periods.

First step: Think of a past incident that will make you feel confident. Like for example, you won first prize in a story telling competition in primary school, you win medal for the school, and as simple as scoring 10 free throws in a game (in basketball context). This incident that you think of, must make you feel proud of yourself.

Second step: Indicate a trigger, how do you indicate a trigger? For example, clenching of fist, punch your fist in the air, pull your ears, or like the primary school kid, rub your nose. This trigger is very important, without this trigger, this whole thing will fail.

Third step: The conditioning process. This is the key of success. All you have to do is now repeat the first step, then the second. Repeat ths process every 3 minutes, like for example, you spend 1 minute on the first step to think of the incident. While thinking, apply the trigger, like when i think of the proud incident, i clenched my fist. Do this step like 3 - 4 times a day. And try to repeat it everyday.

Now this is the fun part, whenever you feel down, low morale or low confident, take a deep breathe, and clench your fist (the trigger). And automatically, the proud incident and confidence will appear in your mind. And you will feel confident.

People will not trust me and think this is absurd. I came up with this technique based on the human physiology. It is called the conditioned reflex, just like you touched a hot object, your hand will automatically be moved away from it. No harm just give it a try. =)

Do not underestimate the power of your mind, if you haven't realised, it is your will that keep you moving and going. It is the most powerful tool in your body.

p/s: smile smile smile. =) stay happy. hope you really smile from the bottom of your heart. =). inu.

Thursday, October 04, 2007
7:20 PM

hi, welcome to the latest show, "bearr bear tells it all". ^^. what is this show about? this show is a show that says all definition of certain words and terms, analyse and understand what does it mean. today's show i'll start with a very simple word, Promise.


Promise is a very powerful word, it can either make someone extremely happy or someone extremely sad. So as to say, it brings you to heaven as well as the hell. =/. So, what's so special about this word? First of all, i'll give you the definition, it is the commitment, assurance, through verbal means. For example, "i promise to bring you to the zoo", "i promise to buy you flowers" and "i promise to go out with you". All these are very simple examples.

Please note, promise are like assurance, commitment, but however, they are slightly different. So don't mixed up promise as assurance, because, assurance can be on black and white while promise can't.

Now, i'll tell you the heaven that promise will give to everyone. When a promise is being made to you, you will feel happy, joyful and some blissful moment that you can possibly imagine.
For examples,
  1. "I promise to take care of you" (Boyfriend to girlfriend)
  2. "I promise to get you your favorite toy, if you top your class." (Parents to children)
  3. "I promise that i will never make you sad" (Boyfriend to girlfriend)
  4. "I promise that we will do this together." (Among friends)
  5. "I promise that you'll never walk alone anymore." (Among friends/boyfriend to girlfriend)

Usually, when someone made these kind of promise, the one that is being promised will be extremely happy, motivated and the bliss comes from those boyfriend whose promises are made to the girl.

After having shiny days there bound to be rain, and the rain falls, it is equivalent to the arrival of hell. Why would a simple word brings hell to a person? How? Not the most sophisticated, it is actually very simple. Just BREAK the promise. Not that i'm teaching you how to make people sad and feel miserable. But that is the very truth. Among friends, not close type, promise broken, the person will feel sad. Close friends, maybe got the chance to tolerate, maybe worse, that person will be extremely sad. Especially close friends. Now, the most ultimatum factor that will bring you to hell, that is affections. If one had affections with one another and that kuku fellow breaks his/her promise. Ding Ding Ding! Bingo! You've won the grand prize.

Definitely not the nicest thing to do, i can tell you. That's all i've got to say. Some words from my brains to all people. Don't ever give promises if you bound to break it. Live your words for the promises you've made. Otherwise, don't bother trying to give. Forget to mention, it is a double edge sword, once you burst the bubble, the damage done, not just on the person that you've break your promise, it also will affect you. Especially, when that person is someone you treasure a lot, simple.

So long everyone.

p/s: sometimes i don't what i want either. but the very fact is, i want you by my side. it's no longer do or die, it has become live or live without with. smile. =)
